Role of Typefaces in UI Design


Typeface or fonts are equally as important as images, navigations and layout for a well-defined UI/UX, but still businesses/agencies are overlooking the activity of choosing the right font that suits the brand. No doubt choosing the right typeface itself is challenging, but can give a web or mobile app the much needed facelift with this single step.

Typefaces in UI Design

Understanding the target customers or users is the first hurdle in terms of choosing a font. Choosing the right font can impact the users in a big way as it evokes personalities like young, bold, casual etc. The users will be excited if the content and the typography match their expectations. This gives the users a perception about the brand or product positioning. Poor choice of fonts will make the site or brand unprofessional. The emotional connection of font will have a great say in the user stickiness to the site, which is highly desired.

If you glance through the world’s top sites, one can understand that the selections of fonts are restricted to two. The header and the body may have two different fonts, but anything more can make the site distracting. This effectively means the fonts that you are choosing should be flexible, one that offers variety of weights, and very well rendered in all forms of devices. Making use of more fonts will not only impact the site or app look awful but will lead to users abandoning the applications as well.

Now comes the readability factor. This is aimed at giving the users a better reading experience and the more legible the chosen fonts are, better the experience for the users. Usage of proper line height, letter spacing, wide proportion, weight etc plays a large role in making the reading experience better. Also is the usage of hierarchy, separators, repetition and rhythm. The way to make the maximum out of this is to have different font styles used so that the reader does not experience an overstimulating effect.

When it comes to mobile, most of the designers see the adaption of types to various screen sizes as a challenge. If you take a close look at the fonts used in desktop to mobile, there are no similarities observed. Great level of detailing is done by the UI Designers to ensure that the fonts chosen are responsive enough to provide good experience. Effective and sleek fonts are the need of the hour for top notch designing and this same logic holds good for mobile UI Design as well.

In conclusion

To conclude, choosing the right font gives your graphic or UI Design a much balanced look. Whatever be the purpose of your project, fonts will play a vital role in your UI Design. This can be achieved by choosing typefaces that works well in various sizes and easily distinguishable.

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